About Us

Greetings and welcome to the Generators Master. It is the number one source for information on generators. If one purchases the generator per the buyer’s needs, we strive to provide the best information possible about generators.

We are not affiliated with any brand, but as an Amazon Associate, we may earn a small commission from qualifying purchases made through links on our website. We provide an unbiased and in-depth review of the generator based on different scenarios or for a particular purpose. 

It was founded by Zaheer Ahmed, a master’s graduate in electrical equipment with work related to generators. Zaheer is passionate and enthusiastic about generators. The website he created provides information to assist others in choosing the right kind of generator for their needs.

Our hope is that you enjoy our services as much as we enjoy offering them to you. 

Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions or comments. 


Zaheer Ahmed